Thin ice download doctor who

Thin ice has a lot to say about the doctors evolution as a longlived alien who often spends his time hanging around humans, getting into trouble. In nineteenthcentury england the doctor and bill find a festival on the frozen surface of the thames, and soon discover that a humongous creature lies beneath the feet of the citys poor and unsuspecting citizens. They soon discover that there is something under the ice which is causing people to disappear. Since we went to the future in last weeks doctor who episode, it makes sense that this week we go back to the past. With peter capaldi, pearl mackie, matt lucas, nicholas burns. In all, thin ice has to wear many hats and it does so satisfactorily for the most part. The doctor and ace have arrived behind the iron curtain. Thin ice is a classic, thoroughly entertaining doctor who episode with a plot that finally breaks the ice on series 10 of the popular scifi show, while still having time to put kids both on. While thin ice may feel like a little dip in quality, hopefully next weeks episode with a good guest star will deliver where this episode struggled to. I know, ive been pretty quiet this week, but i wouldnt miss doctor who. Doctor who 10x03 thin ice postepisode discussion thread. In season 10s third installment, we journey to nineteenth century london, where a monster lurks beneath the frozen thames. As with the two prior episodes, thin ice feels like a. Thin ice is a fairly solid historical adventure, one that takes a fairly conventional doctor who template and puts a slightly selfaware spin on it.

Stripping away all the genre commentary, thin ice is a very enjoyable romp. Notable for being the first historical adventure since. Thin ice is the third episode of the tenth series of the british science fiction television series doctor who. Thin ice, a 1997 memoir by illustrator bruce mccall. But the official bbc synopsis makes thin ice sound like a pretty creepy monsteroftheweek mystery london, 1814. A new trailer for doctor whos next episode, thin ice, showcases the next big bad that the twelfth doctor and bill have to face. Thin ice is the third episode of the tenth series of the british science fiction television series. On the subject of an elephant and a frozen thames bill potts pearl mackie. The seventh doctor and ace arrive in moscow in 1967 on the trail of martian artifacts, in thin ice, an audio adaptation of a doctor who story from the unmade season twentyseven.

Cut ice with skating skills to sink the snow beasts. Fantastic adventures and terrifying monsters await the team of heroes as the. The doctor takes bill to a spectacular city but where are the colonists. Thin ice doctor who audio, 2011 thin ice, a 1986 little river band song from the album no reins the thin ice, a 1979 pink floyd song. Thin ice is the first episode since hungry earth where everything and every character in the episode is terrestrial save for the doctor himself and his technology. Even though it has just been a cold, it has drained pretty much all of my energy and concentration, which is why i didnt do more than the necessary these past days hence no new posts and no reading. By proper, i mean planned and not running from your watery crushstalker. A creature feature with some social justice to boot, thin ice recaptures the highs and lows of what makes a great doctor who episode. After the doctor and bill do a spot of deep sea diving and discover the sea creature is actually a lonely, desperate prisoner, the focus of the story turns to the man whose family presumably kept the creature chained up for centuries in. The sequence of three knocks at the end of thin ice and the oath. Will the doctor and bill stop the slaughter before they too are dragged. I always wondered why they didnt just do more historic episodes with historic enemies. He is following a green light, with more coming up behind him. The entire city has turned out for the biggest frost fair in decades.

Thin ice this weeks doctor who features some fantastic dialogue and relationship building between bill and the doctorall on the ice of the thames during the last frost fair. But beneath the frozen thames, revellers are disappearing, snatched through the ice and pulled into the depths where a terrifying monster lurks. Doctor who, season 10 will see peter capaldi embark on his thrilling final chapter as the twelfth doctor as well as the introduction of brand new companion pearl mackie as bill potts and the return of matt lucas as nardole. We went forward last time, so the tradition to go backwards right after, thin ice serving as a balance to last weeks futuristic episode smile. Plus, a giant fish that may or may not be an alien. Thin ice released april 2011 written by marc platt. As with the pilot and smile, there is a decidedly nostalgic quality to thin ice. In listen too, the doctor after getting knocked out, wakes up in a dazed state and blurts out sontarans. We love storiesbig finish produce great fullcast audio drama for cd and download, featuring many popular television fantasy series. The fan show this is the place to find all the best official clips from all 54 years. Putting the relationship between the doctor and bill front and center makes for all the difference, though, as the interplay between capaldi and mackie continues to make. Thin ice featured the doctor and bill visiting the frost fair in 1814 and discovering that there was an enormous creature under the ice, being fed people in order to produce fuel for the engines. Thin ice handles this last bit more convincingly and articulately and also gracefully than weve seen in a long time. Like most good doctor who episodes, though, the perspective still belongs to bill we learn about the doctor through her eyes and her mind.

Including brand new trailers, behindthescenes footage, exclusive videos and our very own show doctor who. I still think season 10 is the best jumping on point weve had since the first season of the who reboot. If last weeks smile was focused predominantly on bill and how her and the doctors relationship will grow, thin ice rests more firmly on the doctors shoulders. This would have opened season 27 in 1990 and would have been judging from this one of sylvester mccoys best stories featuring the return of old enemies the ice warriors and set in 1967 moscow. Thin ice also didnt brush the racial issue under the carpet, with bill commenting very early about how being a black woman in 19thcentury london isnt going to be easy. The doctor and bill visit london during the last of the river thames frost fairs in february 1814. Doctor who airs in the uk on the bbc every saturday. This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title thin ice. In listen, weve already had a sequence of three bangs knocks. I dont recall martha saying anything similar during series 3 with david tennants doctor, but surely she must have.

What this episode was really about was showing the further strengthening of the doctor and bill, which is done very well. It is written by sarah dollard and was broadcast on 29 april 2017 on bbc one. But beneath the frozen thames, revellers are disappearing, snatched through the ice. Doctor who series 10 deleted scene thin ice youtube. Thin ice concluded with the doctor and bill finally enjoying the tea nardole matt lucas went to make in smile. The last great frost fair has slightly more aliens swimming around it than previously assumed and thats not counting the doctor. Thin ice is a decent typical doctor who story, but thats it despite starring good old sylvester mccoy and sophie aldred, it doesnt really feel like it picks up from when they walked off our screens in survival all those years ago. Thin ice was the third episode of series 10 of doctor who. The doctor and bill travel to london in 1814, and discover that a gigantic creature is living under the icedover thames.

A jaunt back to merry olde london is more sinister than bill could have imagined. If you havent started watching this season, you should and bring your friends. If only doctor who hadnt gotten cancelled in 1989 then we might have been enjoying this story on dvd rather than audio as a lost story. As such things go, the story of thin ice isnt terribly remarkable. But beneath the frozen thames, revellers are disappearing, snatched through the. We follow a couple skating away from the fair, then focus on a drunk as he stumbles past a sign saying danger thin ice. Im 2,000 years old and ive never had the time for the luxury of outrage. You can see the full collection of pictures from thin ice in the gallery below, which also include the doctor and bill in some natty diving gear and some new characters for the episode.

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